Private Medical Insurance

With every employee key to the success of a company, it's essential to help keep them fit, well and productive. So we've designed healthcare plans that do just that.

Help reduce absenteeism and presenteeism

Health problems can have serious implications for business. As well as time off work waiting for appointments and treatment, health worries can affect productivity and performance.

By having access to prompt private diagnosis and treatment, at a time that is conveninent for company members and the business, employees can be back to health, happiness, productivity and work quickly with minimal hassle.

But it's not just the direct employees that can benefit from our corporate private healthcare plans. At PHC we give you the flexability to cover others that are affiliated to your company, so you can truly protect all that matter most.

Corporate HealthCover4life offers four plans providing a wide choice of cover to suit your company requirements and budget.

There are two ways members can access PMI through this offering. The first is to access PMI through the company funded option which would mean the company solely pays the premiums for the employees they wish to have covered on the policy. Secondly, there is the option of 'Group Payroll Deduct'. This provides access to PMI through deducting the premiums being automatically taken from the members pay cheque each month and receive the cost benefit of being part of a group contract of insurance.

Offering flexibility is the cornerstone of our philosophy at PHC, so we have developed the capability for corporate clients to mix and match benefits within their group plan.

Mix and match options include:

Plan | Hospital  | Excess  | Underwriting 

To find out more please see our HealthCover4life brochure

To request a quotation or if you would like further information place contact your healthcare intermediary. If you do not currently have a healthcare intermediary, please contact us on 01923 770 000.

Subject to plans and hospital permitted combinations.

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Our plans


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Hospital options


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Excess options


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Underwriting options


Choose from a range of plans

HealthCover4life offers four distinct plans with rich levels of benefits.

Additionally, PHC Plus is available on Plans 1 and 2. This optional upgrade further enhances your cover by providing five extra benefits:

  1. Surgeon, specialist, anaesthetists’ fees paid in full
  2. Extended choice of hospitals
  3. Routine treatment and monitoring of certain specified chronic conditions
  4. Private GP fees and GP minor surgery 

Please note that to enjoy the benefits of the Plus module all members of your group plan must be included on the Plus module.

For full details of the cover offered by these plans, including what isn’t covered and any limitations, please refer to your handbook.

We’re not just there to help when things don’t go to plan however. We’re also on hand to help keep members fighting fit and living life well. So, we’ve built an array of Health and Wellbeing services that support our members in doing just that. Plus, you can take comfort in knowing that all four plans benefit from the following services as standard.

  • Counselling and Support service
  • 24/7 Health Support Line 
  • Muscle, Bone and Joint Support service
  • Dedicated Nurse Service
  • Specialist Appointment Booking service
  • Mental Health Assessments and Support service
  • Health Assessments 
  • Fitness Offers
  • Cancer Pathways
  • AXA Doctor at Hand
  • Care Pathways

Plan options


Hospital options

Our Directory of Hospitals lists the hospitals, day-patient units and scanning centres and other private healthcare facilities which you will have access to under our company private medical insurance plans.

These have been selected following a comprehensive assessment of their quality, value and range of services.

National directory

Our national Directory of Hospital lists in the region of 480 hospital and day-patient units in the UK. These include specialist centres offering oral surgery and cataract surgery, scanning facilities and psychiatric and rehabilitation units.

London Upgrade

If you choose our national Directory of Hospitals, you’ll be able to extend hospital cover to include additional London hospitals and out-patient centres associated with them, by simply selecting the London Upgrade. The London Upgrade will incur an additional premium.

This optional upgrade can be selected for all members or individual members of your group plan. Just make sure that the upgrade is selected when you join us or at your renewal.

Specified Hospital List

There is also the option to select our Specified Hospital List. This carefully selected list provides medical treatment through two of the country’s largest networks of private hospitals – Spire Healthcare and Ramsay Health Care UK.

By working with just two hospital groups, we’re able to offer more competitive premiums.

Please note: If you select the Specified Hospital List, all members of your group plan will be required to have this option.


Please see the Directory of Hospitals or the Specified Hospital List for full details on the facilities and units covered by PHC.

Please note: The PHC Plus module is not available with the Specified Hospital List Option.


Excess options

A simple way to reduce the cost of your company plan premium is to introduce an excess.

We are able to offer complete flexibility enabling you to mix and match excess levels on your group plan. You may choose to have an excess for some company members and none for others.

We offer a range of excess options.

£100 | £150 | £250 | £500 | £1,000 | £2,500

Please note: Excesses are not available on Plan 3b*. Excess options on Plan 4 are £100, £250 and £500 only.

How does an excess work?

  • An excess is the amount of money you must contribute towards the cost of any eligible treatment each plan year.
  • The excess applies to each person covered by the plan in each plan year.
  • The excess is deducted from any eligible treatment costs you incur.
  • When a claim is made that involves an excess, we will pay the claim after we have deducted the excess amount.
  • The excess is a single deduction that is made regardless of the number of individual medical conditions claimed for in that plan year.
  • Should treatment continue beyond your plan’s renewal date then we will apply the excess:
    • once against the costs incurred before this date, and;
    • again against the costs incurred on or after the renewal date. 
  • We will do this irrespective of whether the costs relate to treatment for the same medical condition.


Underwriting options

When you take out a company plan with PHC we will need to ‘underwrite’ the members of your plan. Underwriting is how we assess the risk and determine what cover will be available for each individual member of your plan.

Your company plan will be accepted on one of the following underwriting basis:

Please see our Underwriting Options guide here.

*Plan 3b is not available to new members. Plan 3b remains available to those who already have it as their benefit choice.